Thursday, September 25, 2008


I think I'm getting sick.
I was expecting it because everyone else is sick too. Maybe I'll be making trips to the farmacia soon...!

Accademia exams are coming up. We have to go to the Accademia Monday through Thursday from 8:30 AM to 2:30 PM. We're going to be drawing/painting a still life the first day, a figure the second, and there's a project and from imagination on Wednesday and Thursday...and in about 2 to 3 weeks we'll know if we passed. I can't wait!!

Now...I'm gonna go back home and SLEEP.



njc said...

wow i totally typed a comment..and your box like deleted it!
anyway i hope you get better soon! do you have airborne or medicine???

Anonymous said...

avery u look ridiculus. what a fob

Jeffrey said...

Getting sick!? I know a cure, eat lots of leeks (guess which anime suggested that?) Well I'll be praying for ya to get better, I wouldn't stress about the art stuff I know you can do it cuz you gots l33t skillz. So get that rest.