Friday, May 29, 2009


Everything seems to be happening all at once. Finals, exams, art projects, deadlines, people leaving Florence, people going back to California, having to run around getting travel plans done, traveling, sending stuff home, packing, getting used to the idea that I have 38 days left...

Our farewell banquet was last Thursday.

The roommates of Via Farini 15.

The studioartkids.

A couple weekends ago Sam and I visited the Pecci Contemporary Museum in Prato with works by Loris Cecchini, Lorenzo Bonechi, and Luciano Ori.
The final weekend before finals, studying was unavoidable, but at least we were able to sit in the beautiful Rose Garden to do it.
For Marsha's birthday, we went to a Chinese restaurant. This one had fortune cookies! Or: biscottini portafortuna.And finally, today was the official last day of finals. (I still have 2 finals left for the Accademia though). Some people are leaving tomorrow morning. I can't believe it. We had a slideshow/yearbook signing today. (You read correctly: yearbooks!)

On Saturday I leave for Sicilia. I'm staying in Palermo. And hopefully visit Cefalu', the city where they filmed Cinema Paradiso! (Which I finally saw this year).


Saturday, May 16, 2009

mostra nostra.

The opening of our final art show was on Thursday. It was at the CSU center, along with students from the Accademia. A lot of people came, and it was actually fun!

The Cal State students + Marsha and Domenic +The Cal State students + Accademia students + Marsha=I had three paintings in the show:(once again, I took photos from other people's facebook albums!)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

the art is in the streets

This past Saturday was the outdoor Lorenzo de Medici "The Art is In the Streets" art show. Students from different schools in Florence had artwork put up on Via Faenza, in the streets and in stores, restaurants, and bars. There was a ceremony, and Ron's "Parkour" piece won in the sculpture category:
Afterwards, there was a "Cena sotto le stelle" (dinner under the stars) where a bunch of tables were set up in the street and we all had dinner!(Thanks to Sam and Jackie, I took the photos from their facebooks)
Tonight is our opening for our show, "Mostra Nostra" at the CSU center, which has artwork from the Accademia and us.

Monday, May 4, 2009


It's now May...and since the weather is better I feel better too!
April 25 was
Italian Liberation Day. A bunch of us went to the Boboli Gardens for a picnic, and later I saw a performance in the Pitti Palace of a celebration of Liberation Day.
That night, we went to see the
Florence Fiorentina vs. Rome Juventus soccer game. There were thousands of people chanting and yelling - we were sitting at the ground level right next to the field! Fiorentina won 4-1, so there were no riots and the paramedics didn't have to do anything.
We also had a
beach day this past Saturday, for our friend Jasmine's birthday! Viareggio is a little beach town in Tuscany - it's really cute like a Californian beach town. There was plenty of sun, even though the water was a bit cold - strangely there were no waves.On Sunday I went to a Bernini Portrait Show at the Bargello. I'm trying to take advantage of my Accademia libretto, which is a student ID/grade book. It gets us into any Italian state museum for free!Mother's Day is coming up! Have a wonderful Sunday, everyone!